Nanyerere Cooperative

Nanyerere Cooperative is one the SOCFEs formed under the SVTP-1. The Cooperative was registered in April 2023, and owns Zimola Irrigation Block.

The Cooperative is situated in Group Village Headman (GVH) Zimola, under the Tradition Authority (TA) Maseya, south of Chikwawa District. It is bordered by Mwanza River in the south, and Katunga-Maseya Cane Growers Association in the east. The irrigation block has a Gloss Land 4 Area (GLA) of 225 ha of land. Further, the cooperative has a total of 368 members drawn from 3 main registered villages of Mwasiya, Zimola and M’bande. These are organised into four Business Centre Committees (BCC) of Tikondane, Mwayiwathu, Tiyanjane and Umodzi

The Cooperative has (68.5%) male members and (37.5%) female members. The Mission of the Cooperative is “To build a profitable commercial farm that not only enriches the lives of smallholder farmers but also safeguards the environment for generations to come”. Its Vision is “To be a premier smallholder-owned commercial farm that empowers the farmers through sustainable and profitable agriculture, enhancing livelihoods, fostering communities and contributing to national food security.”.